The Kalam, Evolution, & The B-Theory of Time

In my last article I discussed and explained one of my favorite arguments for the existence of God known as, the Kalam Cosmological Argument.[1] This argument is based on logic and utilizes science to confirm what we can logically prove. From the deductive conclusions of the Kalam, we can rationally infer the existence of God. … Continue reading The Kalam, Evolution, & The B-Theory of Time

Logic, Science, & God: The Kalam Cosmological Argument

One of my favorite arguments for God’s existence is called the Kalam Cosmological Argument (KCA). It consists of two premises that lead to a logically deductive conclusion. The syllogism goes as follows: 1- Whatever begins to exist has a cause. 2- The universe began to exist. 3- Therefore, the universe had a cause. Premise One … Continue reading Logic, Science, & God: The Kalam Cosmological Argument

The Abstract Dagger of Platonism

Recently, there has been much debate amongst philosophers and theologians regarding an issue that most people have probably never paid much attention to: Abstract Objects![1] William Lane Craig is at odds with many of his colleagues (such as J.P. Moreland and R. Scott Smith), regarding the existence of abstract objects in the mind-independent world. In … Continue reading The Abstract Dagger of Platonism

True Love, Free Will, & The Logic of Hell

The well-known evangelical pastor, Rob Bell, has recently thrust his view of hell into the limelight with his bestseller, “Love Wins.”[1] This view of hell is called “Universalism,” because it is the view that there is universal salvation. That is to say, the advocate of universalism rejects the premise of eternal hell.[2] This typically results … Continue reading True Love, Free Will, & The Logic of Hell

The Petals Drop: Piper’s Problems

The Omni Argument Against Calvinism has had several objections lodged against it over the past few weeks, but so far, none of these objections have had any “teeth in their bite” (so-to-speak). One complaint that I found particularly interesting was against the second premise of my argument. Here is the argument in its entirety: 1. … Continue reading The Petals Drop: Piper’s Problems

The Petals Drop: Calvinism Implies Atheism

 Hopefully the subtitle caught your attention. Now, if you are of the reformed persuasion, please give me a chance to explain what I mean before it exponentially raises your ire. I initially began studying theology and apologetics because I noticed many young people being drawn towards atheism. This included students who were raised in the … Continue reading The Petals Drop: Calvinism Implies Atheism

The Petals Drop: Why I am NOT a TULIP kind of Calvinist!

In my last article I offered an argument called, “The Omni Argument Against Calvinism.”[1] I mentioned that I was a committed Calvinist for many years and eventually, after scrutinizing the Scriptures along with the laws of logic, I concluded that “5-Point Calvinism” was false for several reasons. It was hard for me to let go … Continue reading The Petals Drop: Why I am NOT a TULIP kind of Calvinist!

The Petals Drop: Why Calvinism is Impossible

One of the greatest debates behind the doors of the church today regards God’s sovereignty and human responsibility. Typically, this debate is divided into two camps: Calvinism vs. Arminianism. Calvinists are quick to defend the providence of God; however, in the process, their case eradicates human freedom and genuine responsibility. Arminians are usually quick to … Continue reading The Petals Drop: Why Calvinism is Impossible

The Self-Refuting Nature of Naturalism

J.P. Moreland, in his book, Scaling the Secular City: A Defense of Christianity, claims that physicalism (often referred to as “naturalism”) is self-refuting for many reasons, but mainly because physicalism seems to deny the possibility of rationality. In making his rational case for rationality, he demonstrates that at least five factors must be established if authentic … Continue reading The Self-Refuting Nature of Naturalism

Why Are You a Christian?

Why are you a Christian? As a full-time church youth pastor and a part-time adjunct professor at a Christian college, I like to ask this question to all of my students. In fact, I ask this question quite often to many active churchgoers these days. The answer I typically receive in response to my simple … Continue reading Why Are You a Christian?

Stephen Fry, Humanism, & Incoherence

The British actor, Stephen Fry, has recently narrated a short animated video in which he advocates the atheistic view of humanism. In my experience, humanism seems to mean different things to different people. According to a quick Google search, humanism is typically defined as: “An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human … Continue reading Stephen Fry, Humanism, & Incoherence

“Jesus Was Married with Children!” (Really?)

I find it remarkable how so many atheists are jumping all over this, “Jesus was married with children,” bandwagon. This jump seems to be a blatant inconsistency, however, as many skeptics and even “Jesus mythers” are now affirming this so-called “lost gospel” reporting that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.

Free Will, Calvinism, & Romans 9

I believe Romans 9 is one of the most misinterpreted and improperly understood passages in the entire Bible. It is due to this misinterpretation that many Christians jump to the conclusion that humans do not possess libertarian free will. However, when compared to the rest of Paul’s writings (even in the rest of Romans) the … Continue reading Free Will, Calvinism, & Romans 9

A Biblical Argument for Gay Rights

Recently, I have been having some good conversations with many in the gay rights movement. My friends in the LGBTQ community and their advocates often attempt to argue that homosexuality and biblical Christianity are perfectly compatible. This tactic should not be employed as it ultimately fails for several reasons referencing the New Testament alone. First, … Continue reading A Biblical Argument for Gay Rights

The Appearance of Age & Young Earth Creationism

One thing I can’t be accused of is being unwilling to change my mind if provided good reason to do so. I have changed my mind on many theological issues over the past few years but one of these views in particular has caused much controversy as of late. For a couple of decades, I … Continue reading The Appearance of Age & Young Earth Creationism

An Ignorant Objection to The Moral Argument

One of my favorite arguments for the existence of God is called, “The Moral Argument.” This case has two premises that lead to a powerful and logically “airtight” deductive conclusion. The first premise of the argument states: 1- IF GOD DOES NOT EXIST, OBJECTIVE MORAL VALUES AND DUTIES DO NOT EXIST. The word “objective” means … Continue reading An Ignorant Objection to The Moral Argument