Top 10 Articles of 2017



(Orthodox Fox)


January 5, 2018

The results are in (actually Google Analytics, but whatever), and we now present to you the top 10 most viewed articles of 2017:

10. If Evolution is True, Atheism is False – While many atheists think that the theory of evolution disproves the existence of God, Tim Stratton argues the opposite: evolution proves atheism is false!

9. Neil deGrasse Tyson: Stick to Your Day Job – Tim Stratton responds to commends made by Neil deGrasse Tyson about the existence of God and concludes: “Tyson is a good scientist but a poor philosopher. He should stick to his day job.”

8. Questions for Calvinists – While this article mainly discusses free will and irresistible grace, the highlight is Tim Stratton’s quiz to determine if a Calvinist reader is really a Molinist.

7. Ephesians 1:4: How Calvinistic Exegesis is Logically Impossible – Guest blogger Johnny Sakr makes a bold claim against the standard Calvinistic interpretation of Ephesians 1:4.

6. Five Good Arguments from Five Good Apologists – In this article, guest blogger Tony Vance provides “five good arguments offered by five different and very good apologists.”

5. New Research Supports Claim that People Have Inherent Sense of God – Guest blogger Joel Furches examines research that implies that people have an inherent sense of God’s existence. Also check out his apologetics crew, The Mentionables.

4. Molinism is Biblical – Tim Stratton responds to a reader who requests biblical support for Molinism.

3. Historical References to Christ From Non-Biblical Authors – Skeptics who doubt the existence of Jesus ask for historical references to Jesus outside of the Bible. Tim Stratton presents twelve.

2. Demon Possession & the Question of Sexual Immorality – Guest blogger Shawn White shares his response to a tough question he received at an apologetics conference regarding demon possession and sexual immorality.

1. Why Apologists are Not Reaching Pop Culture – Guest blogger Jon McCray discusses some critical reasons why apologists aren’t reaching the culture at large. Check out his YouTube channel “Whaddo You Meme??” to see his apologetics strategies in action.

Thanks to all the readers, guest bloggers, and friendly critics who made 2017 such a great year for FreeThinking Ministries. We hope to bring you even more quality apologetic content in 2018 and beyond!

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About the Author



(Orthodox Fox)

Timothy Fox helped with the founding of FreeThinking Ministries back in 2015 and was an integral part of the team for years. He has a passion to equip the church to engage the culture. He has an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University as well as an M.A. in Adolescent Education of Mathematics and a B.S. in Computer Science, both from Stony Brook University. He lives on Long Island, NY with his wife and two young children. While Timothy Fox is not an active member of the FTM team, his contributions stand the test of time and his relationship with the rest of the FTM team remains solid.

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