CARM Fails Yet Again: A Response to’s “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical?”

Abstract: This is a response to CARM’s article, “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical? I will respond to the issues in the order they appear in CARM’s article: a faulty definition of middle knowledge, the belief that aseity means that God is “noncontingent”, the redefinition of aseity to mean that God cannot have … Continue reading CARM Fails Yet Again: A Response to’s “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical?”

Let Him Not Be Confused Forever: A Response to CARM.ORG’s “Prevenient Grace Fails as a Valid Option in Molinism”

This is an analytical inquiry of CARM’s article “Prevenient Grace Fails as a Valid Option in Molinism.” In his article, Matt Slick makes the claim that Molinists cannot appeal to prevenient grace because it is self-refuting. I argue that Slick is using idiosyncratic definitions of total depravity and prevenient grace and this results in the … Continue reading Let Him Not Be Confused Forever: A Response to CARM.ORG’s “Prevenient Grace Fails as a Valid Option in Molinism”