The Moral Argument: A Short Dialectic

The Argument There are several versions of the moral argument for theism.[i] One goes like this: If God does not exist, then objective morality does not exist. Objective morality exists. Therefore, God exists. (This argument is deductively valid by modus tollens.) The Dialectic Suppose a friend asks you why he should believe in God. You … Continue reading The Moral Argument: A Short Dialectic

My 5 Favorite Arguments for God’s Existence

A few months ago in a Facebook group (I think it was either Molinist – Official Page or The Christian Apologetics Support Group), someone made a poll asking what everyone’s favorite argument for God’s existence was. The poll creator exempted the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus from being among the options because, let’s … Continue reading My 5 Favorite Arguments for God’s Existence

Origin and DNA

Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

“Where do we come from?” and “Where are we going?” These are the two big questions Dan Brown explores in his latest novel, Origin (Doubleday, 2017). (Minor spoilers ahead.) This is the fifth book in the series starring Harvard professor, Robert Langdon, the most famous being The Da Vinci Code. While many of them have … Continue reading Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

An Updated Contingency Argument

As the title suggests, what I’ll be presenting is an updated version of the argument from contingency. This version is heavily inspired by the work of Joshua Rasmussen, so, if this piques your interest, I recommend looking into his two papers on the subject. Why an updated version? Two reasons. First, this version utilizes weaker … Continue reading An Updated Contingency Argument

Truth & Reality

What is truth? People have been asking this question for centuries. In fact, Pilate asked Jesus this very question over two thousand years ago (John 18:38). The answer to this intriguing question is quite simple: statements that are true correspond to reality. This raises another question: what is reality? The answer to this question is uncomplicated as well: … Continue reading Truth & Reality