Stratton’s Closing Statement vs James White

I want to thank Dr. White for a stimulating debate tonight. I hope that you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.[1] In closing, I’d like to draw together some threads of this debate to see if we can reach some final conclusions. Recall that I began my case by providing carefully defined key terms … Continue reading Stratton’s Closing Statement vs James White

Stratton vs White: Is Molinism Biblical? (Opening Speech & Post-Debate Reflections)

Good evening![1] To everyone watching this debate, thank you for taking theology seriously. And to Dr. James White, it’s an honor to have this conversation with you. Thank you, sir! James and I disagree on tonight’s topic, but we have two things in common: (i), we are brothers in Christ . . . and (ii), … Continue reading Stratton vs White: Is Molinism Biblical? (Opening Speech & Post-Debate Reflections)

Sean Carroll’s Dishonesty: The Debate of 2014

Philosophy of science is a fascinating and complex field. The job requires one to philosophize about well-established scientific observations, patterns, theorems, theories, models, laws of nature, and more. A good philosopher of science will also philosophize about the standards of science and the standards of communicating science. And a brave philosopher of science will even … Continue reading Sean Carroll’s Dishonesty: The Debate of 2014

Debating Determinism with Dillahunty

“Would you be interested in debating Matt Dillahunty?” That was the question I received in July of 2018, from one of the organizers for the Texas Baptist Unapologetics Conference. “Hmm . . . I don’t know,” was all I could say. I’d seen the scathing videos from Matt’s show, The Atheist Experience, and was aware … Continue reading Debating Determinism with Dillahunty

Atheists Opposing Molinism

In my experience, not only do I find myself defending Molinism from the likes of Calvinists and Open Theists, but I am amazed to see the vigor in which atheists also oppose Molina’s doctrine of middle knowledge. After all, why should the atheist care what view a Christian holds of divine sovereignty and human responsibility? It … Continue reading Atheists Opposing Molinism

Presuppositions vs. Logical Reasoning (A Debate on the Best Apologetic Method)

Keith Thompson made a video taking Dr. William Lane Craig out of context. Sam Shamoun took the liberty of posting this video to Dr. Craig’s wall in an attempt to discredit him as an evangelical Christian apologist. In response to Thompson’s video (that Shamoun shared on Dr. Craig’s Facebook page), I said the following: “We must be … Continue reading Presuppositions vs. Logical Reasoning (A Debate on the Best Apologetic Method)