God's Origin Story

God’s Origin Story

In my last article, I compared superhero origin stories to the beginning of the universe. Every superhero needs an origin story, and so does the universe. We need a reason why it exists. I argued the best explanation is a God who caused the universe to come into existence. But doesn’t that just push the … Continue reading God’s Origin Story

Today I Signed the Nashville Statement

Today I signed the Nashville Statement, which was written by the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Through fourteen articles, the Nashville Statement clarifies the biblical standard for marriage and gender.  It seeks to contradict where our culture stands verses the biblical truth which has long been part of orthodoxy tradition for God’s creation. It brings clarity … Continue reading Today I Signed the Nashville Statement

Science! Logic! Superheroes!

Comics and Cosmic Origins

Every superhero has an origin story. Spider-man was bitten by a radioactive spider. Batman’s parents were murdered before his very eyes as a child. Superman’s parents sent him on a rocket to earth where he was discovered and raised by the Kents. Origin stories tell the tale of how a superhero gained his powers or … Continue reading Comics and Cosmic Origins

To COEXIST is a Biblical Command

Almost every time I go for a drive these days I can count on seeing at least one bumper sticker with only one word on it — “COEXIST.” According to Wikipedia, the bumper sticker typically spells “COEXIST” using an Islamic crescent moon for the “C,” a peace sign for the “O,” a combination of the male and female symbols for … Continue reading To COEXIST is a Biblical Command

Reforming Radical Islam?

This past October 31st marked the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation sparked by Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door at the Church in Wittenberg. Luther realized that the church had completely “gone off the rails” and was not in line with the original teaching of Christ found in the New Testament. … Continue reading Reforming Radical Islam?

Origin and DNA

Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

“Where do we come from?” and “Where are we going?” These are the two big questions Dan Brown explores in his latest novel, Origin (Doubleday, 2017). (Minor spoilers ahead.) This is the fifth book in the series starring Harvard professor, Robert Langdon, the most famous being The Da Vinci Code. While many of them have … Continue reading Dan Brown’s Origin: No God Required?

CARM Fails Yet Again: A Response to CARM.org’s “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical?”

Abstract: This is a response to CARM’s article, “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical? I will respond to the issues in the order they appear in CARM’s article: a faulty definition of middle knowledge, the belief that aseity means that God is “noncontingent”, the redefinition of aseity to mean that God cannot have … Continue reading CARM Fails Yet Again: A Response to CARM.org’s “What is middle knowledge and is it Biblical?”

“But who are you, O man?” – Romans 9

Question How do you respond to a Calvinist who uses the whole “Who are you, O man…” argument based on Romans 9? I’m trying to understand better how the Molinist view holds against Calvinist arguments against libertarian free will. -Aidan Tim’s Response Thank you for the question, Aiden. This is probably one of the most popular objections … Continue reading “But who are you, O man?” – Romans 9

Awesome Advice for Aspiring Apologists

“Never get stumped by the same question twice!” I first received this advice from Sean McDowell in 2010. I listened to him speak about apologetics and the importance of this branch of theology at the Challenge Youth Conference that summer in Columbus, Ohio. I was a youth pastor at that time and my students had been … Continue reading Awesome Advice for Aspiring Apologists

Las Vegas & Lack of Belief

The Monday morning of October 2nd, 2017, America awoke to horrible news that some are calling “The Las Vegas Massacre.” At this early point in the investigation it seems as if a “lone wolf” booked a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay. From this elevated position, and after weeks of meticulous … Continue reading Las Vegas & Lack of Belief