A Molinistic Model of Monergism

Many reformed folks (freely?) choose to reject Molinism because they contend that this theological view “smells of synergism.” What is this stench that reportedly makes John Calvin turn over in his grave? Simply put, synergism is the view that man plays at least a small part in his own salvation process. Monergism, on the other hand, … Continue reading A Molinistic Model of Monergism

How God Shows No Partiality In Relation to Salvation

A few questions in relation to the issue of God’s sovereignty and human freedom have piqued interest in numerous individuals through the ages and provided ample amount in debate material. One of these debated matters centers around whether God is a respecter of persons if he chooses to damn some while saving others. Now without … Continue reading How God Shows No Partiality In Relation to Salvation

Purposely Pursuing Perfection

I recently took up a new hobby. Yes, this might surprise you, but there is more to my life than sitting behind this laptop and churning out articles on theology and apologetics. Contrary to popular opinion, I have a somewhat balanced life. I enjoy doing CrossFit, wrestling around with my son (who is getting bigger … Continue reading Purposely Pursuing Perfection

A Revised Free Thinking Argument: Two Birds with One Stone

One thing that has always surprised me is how some Calvinists align themselves with atheists to argue against a common foe: Molinism! That is to say, many Calvinists affirm that God exhaustively causally determines all things. This is not some straw man I am inventing. In his recent essay, notable Calvinist, Matthew J. Hart affirms this … Continue reading A Revised Free Thinking Argument: Two Birds with One Stone

Can We Sensibly Believe in Determinism and Deliberate?

As I reflect on the last twenty years of my life, I’m struck by how much my theological outlook has changed. This is especially the case regarding my view of Divine providence. For sixteen years, I was a theological determinist; that is to say, I believed that God causally determined everything that came to pass, … Continue reading Can We Sensibly Believe in Determinism and Deliberate?

Counterfactuals & the Big Three

When talking about Molinism and its relation to the other major views of God’s sovereignty, omniscience and human freedom it seems there is much confusion on the issue of true counterfactuals of creaturely freedom (CCF’s from here on). Namely, God’s knowledge of what would be the case if circumstances were different. One of the best, most … Continue reading Counterfactuals & the Big Three

Substance Dualism vs Socialism

I am amazed and frightened at the acceptance of, and even downright preference for Socialism among the young adults of today. Most young adults today possess little property due to the socialist bent of our current government and our administrative state, so it is not totally unexpected that they might embrace socialism as they have comparatively nothing to lose … Continue reading Substance Dualism vs Socialism

The Silence of God

I have been a Christian for many years—since I was a teenager—and I have been a pastor for about 42 years, but I have to admit that I know so little about God. I say that not with a fake humility, but because it is true. I want—like most of believers—to have a deep relationship … Continue reading The Silence of God

The Collapse of the Anti-Modal Collapse Objections

Abstract: The doctrine of divine simplicity (DDS) has come under fire in recent years and shows no sign of cooling. Currently, one of the most interesting arguments against this doctrine is what has been referred to as the “modal collapse.” In this paper, I demonstrate that many of the objections raised against the argument are … Continue reading The Collapse of the Anti-Modal Collapse Objections

Wonder Woman & Theology

SPOILER ALERT!!! As most of our regular readers know, those of us at FreeThinking Ministries absolutely LOVE comic books and superhero movies! A couple of weeks ago I watched the new Wonder Woman movie. This fun fictional flick touches on some important points which illustrate the actual truth about God and His relationship to all men and women. Although … Continue reading Wonder Woman & Theology