The Anti-Marxist Marxist: A Response to Christianity Today

I have always found it amazing how many notable Christian mouthpieces have vociferously denied giving any credence to Marxist ideology while at the same time giving wholesale credence to Marxist ideology. What is obvious to the most thoughtful observer schooled in Marxist philosophy is obscured in the minds of those who are saturated with it. … Continue reading The Anti-Marxist Marxist: A Response to Christianity Today

An Important Message to White People

Dear fellow white person, I am writing this letter because we seem to have suddenly and abruptly awakened to a world in which we find ourselves being shamed because of the color of our skin. Oddly enough, no matter how much you may have fought against racism in the past, in 2020 you are now … Continue reading An Important Message to White People

A Black Man’s Lament

Here we are in 2020, protesting like it is 1960. We will always have “a long ways to go” when we are constantly re-imaging the past to “explain” what is happening today. We say we are moving forward as we eradicate our past. But how can we move forward if we deconstruct the past — … Continue reading A Black Man’s Lament

Anachronistic Righteousness and the Removal of Historical Figures          

As we watch the events of turmoil in our nation, we have seen the destruction of various statues and monuments across the country. Mobs of people are seen on TV vandalizing and tearing down statues of everyone from Confederate soldiers to Union generals to Christopher Columbus. There is even talk of removing monuments to George … Continue reading Anachronistic Righteousness and the Removal of Historical Figures          

White Fragility: A Study in Irrelevance

White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo’s 2018 volume subtitled, “Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism,” has become the anti-racist Bible for a large reader bloc, and for good reason. DiAngelo is both witty and articulate. Her basic ideological arc is that all white people are racist, whether they want to be or … Continue reading White Fragility: A Study in Irrelevance

The Appeal & the Problems of Critical Theory

Critical Theory ideology is quite prevalent in the modern culture today. From this theory we get the term, “social justice.” Social justice touches upon many of the most volatile issues in our society. Unfortunately, this term is not clearly defined, and many people do not know how to clearly understand Critical Theory and its resultant … Continue reading The Appeal & the Problems of Critical Theory

Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking

Social justice. That sounds great! After all, who would not want justice in the society in which they live? In fact, the Bible has so much to say about justice. Consider a few examples in Scripture beginning with the Old Testament. Proverbs 18:5 — It is not right to acquit the guilty or deny justice … Continue reading Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking

Biblical Christianity VS Critical (Race) Theory

Church, we’ve got a problem: Critical Theory (sometimes referred to as Critical Race Theory). This worldview is a growing problem finding its way into the Church. Too many professing Christians today are, willingly or unwillingly, buying into this idea known to have Marxist origins. It’s an attempt to explain and confront power structures in the … Continue reading Biblical Christianity VS Critical (Race) Theory

A Thinking Person’s Guide to Opposing Racism

Today’s anti-racism crusaders have a lot more in common with Malcolm X than Martin Luther King, Jr. They have become so zealous in opposing racism that they see racism in everything—even breakfast cereal. Instead of condemning actual racism, the charge of racism is now used to compel allegiance and silence dissent. No one wants to … Continue reading A Thinking Person’s Guide to Opposing Racism

An Open Letter to Christians Condoning Violence

Christians have been called by God to change the world. Indeed, Christianity has radically transformed this world for the better. If anyone doubts this to be the case I highly recommend the book How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin J. Schmidt. It is also significant how many atheists are beginning to realize the importance … Continue reading An Open Letter to Christians Condoning Violence