Movie Review – What is a Woman?

What is a Woman? Seems like an easy enough question to answer, but these days, apparently, it’s a stumper! Conservative commentator, author, and part-time Virginian, Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire seeks to answer this seemingly innocuous question in a documentary released on June 1st. It is no coincidence that the release coincided with the … Continue reading Movie Review – What is a Woman?

Pride is Destruction

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall. Proverbs 16:18 It is June and that means it is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.[1] Oh, you didn’t know? Perhaps that is because June is also known as PRIDE month. Though one might be a more noble cause than the other. All over the nation, and … Continue reading Pride is Destruction

Biblical Identity Meets Gender

Everyone wants to be special, set apart and significant.  One of the ways this manifests itself in our culture is through the concept of gender identity.  This is a real issue that many people struggle with in our society and should be taken seriously. However, it has also become a social trend. For instance, a … Continue reading Biblical Identity Meets Gender

Transgender Bathrooms & Basketball

Disclaimer: I am not a politician; I am an aspiring logician who strives to be reasonable. I am not a Republican and I am no Democrat either. I am a freethinking Independent who is not bound by any political dogma. I am not taking political sides in this article, but simply pointing out logical inconsistencies … Continue reading Transgender Bathrooms & Basketball