The Law of Identity & the Human Soul

Do humans survive the death of their bodies? As a pastor, I have officiated several funerals over the past few years and I have attended many recently. This topic is always sure to come up while talking to the surviving relatives. Questions such as these are regularly asked: Will we see our loved one again? Although the body … Continue reading The Law of Identity & the Human Soul

The Freethinking Argument in a Nutshell

EDIT (1-9-24): When one Googles “The Free-Thinking Argument,” this blog article is often at the top of the list. While the big ideas behind this blog are true, the Free-Thinking Argument has evolved and been defended with more philosophical precision in recent years. After reading this article, please see the peer-reviewed academic journal article I co-authored … Continue reading The Freethinking Argument in a Nutshell

Freethinking Atheists are Oxymorons

Atheists like to label themselves as “freethinkers.” However, if they happen to be right, about the non-existence of God, it follows that it is highly implausible that the immaterial aspect of humanity called a “soul” exists. This has led me to the conclusion that it is impossible for an atheist to really be a “free thinker!” … Continue reading Freethinking Atheists are Oxymorons

The Self-Refuting Nature of Naturalism

J.P. Moreland, in his book, Scaling the Secular City: A Defense of Christianity, claims that physicalism (often referred to as “naturalism”) is self-refuting for many reasons, but mainly because physicalism seems to deny the possibility of rationality. In making his rational case for rationality, he demonstrates that at least five factors must be established if authentic … Continue reading The Self-Refuting Nature of Naturalism