God’s Perfect Love, the Reality of Hell, & the Problem of Divine Determinism

In the latest volume of Perichoresis (an academic theology journal) Jacobus Erasmus and I offered an argument abductively concluding that Molinism is the best explanation of all the data. Our argument is a slightly revised version of the Omni Argument Against Irresistible Grace that I have been advancing over the past few years. Instead of specifically … Continue reading God’s Perfect Love, the Reality of Hell, & the Problem of Divine Determinism

The Omnibenevolence of God

God is Omnibenevolent! Simply put, God is perfectly good and all-loving. Not only does the Bible make this clear (Psalm 100:5; Psalm 145:17; John 3:16), but logicians have also deductively concluded this apart from the Bible through the Moral Argument and the Ontological Argument. Now, if God were simply omnipotent (all-powerful) and omniscient (all-knowing), but not … Continue reading The Omnibenevolence of God