Justified Metaphysical Beliefs

Question Dear Dr. Stratton, I was watching a debate review where Taylor Cyr was talking about a revised Epicurean argument against determinism (pretty close to some of your Free-Thinking Arguments). While I don’t think he raised any good objections (he didn’t spend much time on it), his mention of it made me think of a … Continue reading Justified Metaphysical Beliefs

What If Science Proves Determinism?

Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, John Martin Fischer  has stated that one of the primary reasons that he is a compatibilist is because of what Kevin Timpe calls the “Held Hostage Objection” (HHO). The HHO states that if determinism were to be scientifically proven in some fashion then the compatibilist wouldn’t have to alter their views … Continue reading What If Science Proves Determinism?

Thinking about Sickness and Death

Death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart. (Ecclesiastes 7:2, NIV) Over the last few weeks, I have made some interesting sociocultural observations. For example, a local grocery store has limited the number of sanitizing wipes available for its customers and has offered to disinfect shopping carts for shoppers entering … Continue reading Thinking about Sickness and Death

Extra-Biblical Data & Hermeneutics

Should data gained apart from the Bible influence our interpretation of it? Before answering that question, consider what could be implied based on a face-value interpretation of the following passages of scripture: Genesis 1:16 – The sun and moon seem to be the largest heavenly bodies. Genesis 1:16-18 – The moon is literally a light, rather than … Continue reading Extra-Biblical Data & Hermeneutics

Simply Divine?

As an aspiring theologian I desire knowledge of God’s nature. I also aspire to gain a proper understanding of foundational Christian teachings on the nature of God. Given this goal, a great deal of my apologetics and philosophical journey has been researching the attributes of God. Not only do I strive to attain justified true beliefs … Continue reading Simply Divine?

Are Miracles Metaphysically Impossible?

“It’s impossible for God to interact in the physical world. For example, say we have a material object and God wants to move it. Newton made it clear: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, since God is an immaterial being He could never cause anything to happen or occur in the material/physical universe. … Continue reading Are Miracles Metaphysically Impossible?

Free Will & the B-theory of Time

Dr. William Lane Craig, in my humble opinion, is the smartest man on the face of the earth! He is the finest of logicians, his philosophy of science is unmatched, and there is no better systematic theologian. On top of that, I recently attended his lecture at the EPS conference in Atlanta where he systematically refuted … Continue reading Free Will & the B-theory of Time

The Freethinking Argument in a Nutshell

EDIT (1-9-24): When one Googles “The Free-Thinking Argument,” this blog article is often at the top of the list. While the big ideas behind this blog are true, the Free-Thinking Argument has evolved and been defended with more philosophical precision in recent years. After reading this article, please see the peer-reviewed academic journal article I co-authored … Continue reading The Freethinking Argument in a Nutshell

Aron Ra & 10 Bad Arguments for Atheism

It never ceases to amaze me how many internet atheists go to extreme, ignorant, and incoherent lengths to hold on to their faith in atheism. This is astonishing given all the evidence pointing out their worldview is probably false. Contrary to what you may read from atheists on social media today, we are living in … Continue reading Aron Ra & 10 Bad Arguments for Atheism