The Parable of the MMA Fighter and His Neighbor

A parable, according to Merriam Webster, is “a short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle.” Jesus was famous for teaching morality through the use of these tools. With that in mind, consider a thought experiment, a modern-day “parable,” if you will:  A trained MMA fighter notices a suspected rapist/murderer was … Continue reading The Parable of the MMA Fighter and His Neighbor

Man with Bible

Stop Praying, Read Your Bible, and VOTE!

Don’t merely pray about voting — read your Bible! I’ve talked to a few Christians who are still undecided as to how they will vote in the 2020 election. They have expressed to me that they need to spend “more time in prayer.” While I encourage “praying without ceasing” (1 Thes 5:17), if one merely … Continue reading Stop Praying, Read Your Bible, and VOTE!

Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism

Foreword Dr. Tim Stratton has the rare and precious gift of taking highly complex issues in philosophical theology and making them easily understandable to laypeople at the same time as he shows their tremendous importance for scholars in the disciplines of philosophy and religion. This book will be profitably and enjoyably read by laypeople and … Continue reading Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism

Reformed Libertarianism: An Alternative to Guillaume Bignon

A few months ago, my friend Tim Stratton at FreeThinking Ministries asked me to write a piece responding to Guillaume Bignon’s form of exhaustive deterministic Calvinism. Bignon is a compatibilist; that is, he is someone who believes that the propositions “God determines all things” and “human beings are free in the morally relevant sense” are … Continue reading Reformed Libertarianism: An Alternative to Guillaume Bignon

Does God Have Middle Knowledge of His Own Actions?

One distinctive feature of Molinism is the idea of Middle Knowledge, whereby God knows what any possible creature would freely do under any possible set of circumstances. Hence, the content of this knowledge is said to include all true Counterfactuals of Creaturely Freedom (CCF). An interesting question arises when we ask ourselves “Does God also … Continue reading Does God Have Middle Knowledge of His Own Actions?

3 Reasons to Fight Against “Social Justice”

Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, I have a bone to pick with you. But first let me express my gratitude. I have benefited greatly from your work in theology and apologetics. You have a unique ability to take deep philosophical and academic concepts and make them accessible to the average Joe. Thank you!  Here’s my problem: … Continue reading 3 Reasons to Fight Against “Social Justice”

Biblical Christianity VS Critical (Race) Theory

Church, we’ve got a problem: Critical Theory (sometimes referred to as Critical Race Theory). This worldview is a growing problem finding its way into the Church. Too many professing Christians today are, willingly or unwillingly, buying into this idea known to have Marxist origins. It’s an attempt to explain and confront power structures in the … Continue reading Biblical Christianity VS Critical (Race) Theory

The Best Kind of Love

Question: Dear Dr. Stratton,  In your interview with Jorge Gil on Cross Examined’s Hope One, you attempted to answer “all the problems of evil” by appealing to love. In fact, you said that “the best kind of love requires libertarian free will.”  Surely this is false, for I can think of a counter-example that clearly … Continue reading The Best Kind of Love

An Open Letter to Christians Condoning Violence

Christians have been called by God to change the world. Indeed, Christianity has radically transformed this world for the better. If anyone doubts this to be the case I highly recommend the book How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin J. Schmidt. It is also significant how many atheists are beginning to realize the importance … Continue reading An Open Letter to Christians Condoning Violence

Jesus Endorsed Armed Self-Defense

Is it morally permissible for faithful Christians to carry firearms? Yes. But don’t take my word for it: Jesus himself instructed his disciples to arm themselves with swords for self-defense. Sell Your Cloak and Buy a Sword In Luke 22, Jesus addresses his disciples shortly before his arrest, trial, and eventual crucifixion. He reminds them … Continue reading Jesus Endorsed Armed Self-Defense