Can Anything Good Come from Slavery?

Is slavery good?  Absolutely not! The first book of the Bible makes it clear that being sold into slavery against one’s will is the epitome of evil. Scripture also shows how this specific evil (as well as all evil, suffering, and affliction) will ultimately be used by God for good. In Genesis, chapters 37 through 50, … Continue reading Can Anything Good Come from Slavery?

New & Improved Deductive Moral Arguments

One of my favorite arguments for the existence of God is known as the Moral Argument (made famous by William Lane Craig). I believe that it is sound and forceful. The deductive syllogism is typically stated as follows: If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not exist. Objective moral values and … Continue reading New & Improved Deductive Moral Arguments

Movie Review: Sound of Freedom

Edit 9/29/23 – I can no longer recommend this movie in good conscience. For more, see my YouTube episode of FTMonthly released on 9/29/23 and read this article entitled the Ballard of Truth. Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the hot new film Sound of Freedom.  If you have not heard of this movie, you … Continue reading Movie Review: Sound of Freedom

3 Conversations and How to Have Them

A few months ago I was invited to speak to a group of parents at a church. The topic: Standing on Truth in Love.  A few months prior I was invited to another church to speak on Identity and how to address it in a post-Christian culture (to book speaking engagements click: HERE).  In both … Continue reading 3 Conversations and How to Have Them

Reading Scripture Through Deterministic Lenses

Although I have offered multiple arguments against exhaustive divine determinism (EDD), one of the best ways to see the absurdity of EDD — a view advanced by Calvinist scholars — is to simply read the Bible carefully. That is to say, if one intentionally reads the Bible through deterministic lenses, one will quickly see that … Continue reading Reading Scripture Through Deterministic Lenses

Is Calvinism a Different Gospel?

Question Dear Dr. Stratton, Why do you spend so much time arguing with other Christians about free will? Why do you spend so much time arguing against Calvinism? We are all on the same team. We all worship the same God. We all share the same gospel.  While these topics are very interesting and fun … Continue reading Is Calvinism a Different Gospel?

A Biblical Boycott?

The holiest month of our culture’s liturgical calendar is upon us. June, when pride is linked to sexual identity and the eschewing of the historical norms of sex and gender. A month when nearly all corporations will virtue signal their fealty to the secular religion of Sexual Gnosticism under the guise of the misguided notion … Continue reading A Biblical Boycott?

Book Review: Fire in the Streets

If you have followed Dr. Douglas R. Groothuis’ work through the years you will know him as an excellent philosopher and dynamic apologist.  His work in philosophy[1] at Denver Seminary is among the best in the nation and his keystone work on Christian Apologetics[2] released in 2022 is as well. Dr. Groothuis’ most recent work, … Continue reading Book Review: Fire in the Streets

A Pastoral Endorsement of Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism

As a pastor, I have primarily received formal training in the fields of Christian theology, biblical studies, and church history (BA: Christian Theology, SPU; MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary). Nevertheless, my theological studies have led me firmly to this conclusion: that a robust acquaintance with the tools and foundations of philosophical thinking is essential to doing … Continue reading A Pastoral Endorsement of Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism

What If a Deity of Deception Told You Determinism Is True?

An outspoken proponent of Calvinism, exhaustive divine determinism, and compatibilism, recently objected to my claim that the Held Hostage Objection was a silly reason to be a compatibilist (see, What If Science Proves Determinism). In summary, my response to this so-called “hostage crisis” is threefold: Science is the wrong tool for the job. The Free-Thinking Argument … Continue reading What If a Deity of Deception Told You Determinism Is True?

Debating Rationality with Robots

I’ve spent inordinate amounts of time debating the issues of determinism and libertarian freedom with those who believe that antecedent (prior) conditions determine all things about humanity. In essence, I have attempted to dialogue with humans who don’t think we are much different than puppets or robots.  Since I have had so many debates with … Continue reading Debating Rationality with Robots

NEFARIOUS: A Theological Thriller

How often have you gone to the movies with high expectations, only to be let down? On the other hand, you might end up being pleasantly surprised when you go into the theater with low expectations. This past weekend, I had a rather unique experience. After a two-hour drive to Lincoln, Nebraska, I finally found … Continue reading NEFARIOUS: A Theological Thriller

Who Are You, Really? By Joshua Rasmussen Is a MUST-READ!

Joshua Rasmussen has become one of the most important thinkers in philosophy and theology today. When he speaks, I listen; when he writes, I read! I was blessed to receive a review copy of Josh’s new book: Who Are You, Really?: A Philosopher’s Inquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Persons. What I love about Rasmussen’s … Continue reading Who Are You, Really? By Joshua Rasmussen Is a MUST-READ!

The GOSPEL and Knowledge of Salvation

Question:   Hi Dr. Stratton, I’ve been struggling with doubting my salvation. Do I have to know for certain I am saved in order to know I’m saved? Thank you, Lindsay Dr. Tim’s Response:  Hi Lindsay, The easy answer I give to someone who is worried about whether they are saved or not is that … Continue reading The GOSPEL and Knowledge of Salvation

A Definitive Case: David and Bathsheba

If you are active on Twitter (Give us a follow: @freethinkmin, @JoshRKlein), or social media in general, you might notice that every so often the story of David and Bathsheba bubbles to the surface.  It is an interesting debate, seemingly between liberal (in the technical sense) and conservative theologians, about whether David’s actions with Bathsheba constitute, … Continue reading A Definitive Case: David and Bathsheba

Postmodernism: The Death of Science and Logic

Never before have we witnessed first-hand such a rapid degradation of reality. Common sense seems to have died long ago, but now “logic” and “science” are also on their deathbeds. The prognosis of their revivability and survivability is yet to be determined. Their deaths directly relate to the “post-modern” worldview, which believes truth is relative … Continue reading Postmodernism: The Death of Science and Logic